Čistá Berounka – 2nd phase

The aim of the Čistá Berounka - Phase II project was to ensure proper sewage and wastewater treatment and drinking water supply in accordance with the requirements of EU directives and Czech legislation in all member municipalities of the Voluntary Union of Municipalities of the Berounka River Basin.

Within the framework of this project, several municipalities of the Pilsen Region joined together to strengthen the possibility of obtaining financial subsidies from the EC. In March 2005, the constituent meeting of this voluntary association of municipalities took place and it was registered at the Regional Office of the Pilsen Region on 1 April 2005.

The object of the DSO Berounka Basin was the preparation and implementation of the group project Čistá Berounka - stage II. The Union of Municipalities was the applicant for funding from the European Union and the state budget, the recipient of this support and the investor and contracting authority for the public procurement of the contractor and other related contracts.

The Čistá Berounka - Phase II project was divided into four constructions according to location and water supply and sewerage system operator.

Čistá Berounka - Stage II - Part A

The project implemented in 2010-2014 in Plzeň was co-financed by the European Union - Cohesion Fund and the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic under the Operational Programme Environment.

Through the intensification of the mechanical-biological WWTP II in Plzeň, the capacity was increased to 460,000 EO while increasing the efficiency of wastewater treatment in the indicators BOD5, CODCr, Ntotal, Ptotal, and NL.

The total eligible costs of the action amounted to CZK 355,803,925, of which the contribution from the European Union Fund was CZK 302,433,336 (85%), the contribution from the State Environmental Protection Fund of the Czech Republic was CZK 17,790,196 (5%) and the contribution from the Berounka River Basin Association was CZK 35,580,393 (10%).

Čistá Berounka - Stage II - Part B

The project implemented in 2011-2015 in Plzeň and Přeštice was co-financed by the European Union - Cohesion Fund and the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic under the Operational Programme Environment.

The completion of the 7.294 km long sewerage network for the towns of Plzeň and Přeštice created a prerequisite for connecting 2,230 EO. Within the framework of the project, 1.554 km of sewerage networks were reconstructed in both cities, a 10,000 m3 retention tank was built in Plzeň and the wastewater treatment plant in Přeštice was intensified to a capacity of 8,200 EO.

The total eligible costs of the action amounted to CZK 364,525,004, of which the contribution from the European Union Fund was CZK 309,846,253 (85%), the contribution from the State Environment Fund of the Czech Republic was CZK 18,226,250 (5%) and the contribution from the Berounka River Basin Association was CZK 36,452,501 (10%).

Čistá Berounka - Stage II - Part C

The project implemented in 2010-2013 in Rokycany and Blovice was co-financed by the European Union - Cohesion Fund and the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic under the Operational Programme Environment.

The completion of 14.814 km of sewerage networks, the reconstruction of 0.137 km of sewerage networks, the construction of 1.454 km of water supply networks and the intensification of the WWTP to 3,300 EO enabled 1,068 EO to be connected to sewerage networks and 102 inhabitants to water supply networks.

The total eligible costs of the action amounted to CZK 135,428,381, of which the contribution from the European Union Fund was CZK 115,114,124 (85%), the contribution from the State Environment Fund of the Czech Republic was CZK 6,771,419 (5%) and the contribution from the Berounka River Basin Association was CZK 13,542,838 (10%).

Čistá Berounka - Stage II - Part D

The project implemented in 2010-2013 in Domažlice was co-financed by the European Union - Cohesion Fund and the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic under the Operational Programme Environment.

The completion of 7.698 km of sewerage networks, the reconstruction of 4.025 km of sewerage networks and the intensification of the WWTP to 20,000 EO enabled 708 EO to be connected to the sewerage networks. The project also implemented the construction of 0.815 km of water supply networks and the reconstruction of 14.499 km of water supply networks.

The total eligible costs of the action amounted to CZK 480,144,973, of which the contribution from the European Union Fund was CZK 408,123,227 (85%), the contribution of the State Environment Fund of the Czech Republic was CZK 24,007,248 (5%) and the contribution of the Berounka River Basin Association was CZK 48,014,498 (10%).

More detailed information about the project can be found on the following website: www.cistaberounka-etapa2.eu
