Interreg Europe EURE
November 22, 2021
Since August 2019, the City of Pilsen, through ÚKEP, has been involved in the international project EURE (Effectiveness of Environmental Urban policies to improve Resources Efficiency) from the Interreg Europe Operational Programme.
The objective of EURE is to use interregional cooperation to improve the way the ERDF addresses the environmental urban challenges of cities at peripheral regions, paying also attention to those cities of small dimension but with influence in the sparsely populated areas where they are located.
For each partner, the project identifies policy instruments that affect the environment. The Pilsen instrument involved in the project is the Integrated Territorial Investments (ITI) within the defined territory of the Pilsen Metropolitan Area.

Lead partner

1,54 mil. EUR (ERDF)
1/8/2019 – 31/7/2023