ITI PMO - Technology Park DRONET - Plzeň Světovar
May 13, 2020
The aim of the project is to expand the innovation infrastructure space, acquire new equipment and improve capacity for technology sharing. The realised non-residential premises and equipment are intended to be rented out for innovative entrepreneurship.
Investor/beneficiary: City of Pilsen
Represented by the Investment Department of the Municipality of Pilsen.
Represented in the matter of the subsidy by the European Projects Coordination Unit of the City of Pilsen, p. o.
TDS: Bc. Miloš Nováček, tel: 602 260 289, e-mail:
TDI: Mr. Luděk Jandoš, tel: 378035217, 724527511,
Contractor: "Company GEOSAN+ POHL cz - DRONET"
GEOSAN GROUP a. s., U Nemocnice 430, 280 02 Kolín III, ID No.: 281 69 522
Partner: POHL CZ a. s., Nádražní 25, 252 63 Roztoky, ID No.: 25606468
Designer: OBERMEYER HELIKA a. s, Beranových 65, 199 21 Praha 9 - Letňany, ID No.: 601 94 294
Project registration number (MS2014+): CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/17_201/0016703
Main goals
- expansion of innovation infrastructure space
- acquisition of new equipment and improved capacity for technology sharing
- the project is co-financed by the European Union from OP PIK 2014-2020, through the ITI PMO instrument
- Union contribution: CZK 181 752 085
- start of construction 12/2019
- completion of construction 12/2021