Pilsen in motion
May 20, 2020
The project is composed of several separate parts:
KA01 Sustainable Mobility Strategy of the Pilsen Metropolitan ITI Area (SUMP ITI)
Creation of a transport planning strategy document for the ITI metropolitan area. The SUMP ITI document builds on and is based on the Plzeň Sustainable Mobility Plan (PUMP).
KA02 Accredited training for employees of the Pilsen City Council
The aim is to improve the qualifications of selected employees in areas closely related to their fields of competence, based on the development of knowledge and skills that are prerequisites for successful and effective management of work tasks.
KA03 Friendly Office - ensuring feedback from the clients of the Municipality of Pilsen
A system for obtaining feedback from the Authority's clients will be put in place, including the identification of specific recommendations (in the form of an action plan), the subsequent implementation of selected recommendations into practice and the implementation of surveys following the developed methodology (including evaluation and elaboration of suggestions for further use in the form of a final report).
KA04 Friendly Office - Development of a communication strategy for the Office of Administrative Agencies
An update of the document entitled: "Concept of the Communication Strategy of the City of Pilsen for the period 2017 to 2020" will be implemented, on the basis of which the follow-up document Communication Strategy of the ÚSA will be created.
ID number CZ.03.4.74/0.0/0.0/18_092/0014604
Main goals
- training and development of officials
- quality management
- development of conceptual and strategic documents
- the project is co-financed by the European Union, from the Operational Programme Employment 2014-2020
- Union contribution: CZK 7 605 758,25
- amount of contribution from national public sources: CZK 894 795,09

Estimated project implementation date: 09/2020 - 08/2022